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Saint Alphonsa Syro-Malabar Catholic Church, Coppell started in the year 2007 as an outstation unit to cater to the Syro-Malabar community of the neighboring cities, around Dallas. Initially, the Holy Eucharist was celebrated at Saint Anne’s Church, Coppell and later The Syro Malabar diocese of Chicago approved this as the Syro Malabar Catholic Mission DFW. After being elevated to the status of a mission, the community was blessed to have it’s own Church in 2009 located at 200 S. Heartz Road, Coppell.
Saint Alphonsa Church Coppell was established on Oct. 12, 2009, which coincided with the canonization of Saint Alphonsa – our patroness. In the beginning, we had 150 families as active members of this Parish community. Fr. Saji Chakkittamuriyil, the then Director of the mission blessed the Church and commenced the liturgical celebrations. In the month of March 2010, the mission was erected as a Parish and Fr. Varghese Naikkamparampil was appointed as the first Vicar of the parish.

Over the years, the community grew spiritually as well as in numbers. Within the past couple of years, there has been substantial increase in the number of faithful attending the liturgical services. To accommodate the growing needs, the Church was expanded in 2014 under the leadership of the Vicar Fr. Johnsty Thachara. The community has now grown into 700 plus registered families.
Mass Timings
Sunday Holy Qurbana
07:00 AM Solemn Holy Qurbana (Malayalam)
09:00 AM Solemn Holy Qurbana (Malayalam)
11:00 AM Solemn Holy Qurbana (English)
Weekday Holy Qurbana
Monday -Through- Saturday:
7:30 AM Adoration
08:30 AM Holy Qurbana (Malayalam)
Monday -Through- Friday:
07:00 PM Holy Qurbana (English). Followed by Novena
First Friday of every month 7:00 PM Holy Qurbana will be in Malayalam & 24 Hours of Adoration
Second Friday of every month 7:00 PM Holy Qurbana will be in English, Followed by adoration for Youth & Kids
Dallas North Mission
03:00 PM Holy Qurbana (Malayalam)
at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church
8000 Eldorado Pkwy, Frisco, TX 75033
Monday -Through- Saturday:
7:30 AM to 8:30 AM
Monday - Through - Saturday:
7:30 AM at chappel
Meet Our Administration

Fr. Mathews Munjanatt
Fr. Jimmy Edakulathur
Asst: Pastor/Vicar
Joshy Kuriakose
Renjit Thalakotoor
Robin Jacob Chirayath
Robin Kurian
Sebastian Paul
Vinod Joseph
AccountantDonate Online
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Check this Instruction Guide on how to register and make online payment using Checking/Savings or Credit Card
News & Events

2024 Christmas Schedule
Tuesday December 24
▪ 7:30 AM: Morning adoration.
▪ 8:30 AM: Holy Qurbana.
▪ 6:00 PM: Singing Angels in the Auditorium. Parents must drop off their children by 5:15 PM.
▪ Evening: Ward-level Christmas tree competition judging will occur.
▪ 7:00 PM: Nativity Celebrations and Malayalam Holy Qurbana in the church.
▪ 7:00 PM: Nativity Celebrations and English Holy Qurbana in the auditorium.
▪ 7:00 PM: Nativity Celebrations and Malayalam Holy Qurbana at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church Frisco (St. Mariam Thresia Mission North Dallas).
Wednesday, December 25 Christmas Day
▪ 9:00 AM: Holy Qurbana.
▪ There will not be an evening Holy Qurbana or morning adoration.

New Year Schedule
Tuesday, December 31 – New Year’s Eve
▪ Adoration will begin at 11:30 PM.
▪ 12:00 Midnight - New Year Holy Qurbana.

Sunday CCD & Malayalam Class Schedule
9:00 am - CCD class for Grades 4 to 12
10:45 am - CCD class for Pre-K to Grade 3
12:15 pm - Malayalam Class
3:00 pm - Holy Qurbana (Malayalam ) at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church Frisco (St. Mariam Thresia Mission North Dallas).
4:30 pm - CCD class for all grades at North Dallas Mission
Faith Formation
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Frisco Extension Mass 2023
Need Help? Contact Us
200 S Heartz Rd, Coppell, TX 75019
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(469) 240-0006